The Web Developer Bootcamp

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The Complete Web Developer Bootcamp is a web design tutorial film using HTML, CSS, JS, Node etc. from Udemy. The Web Developer Bootcamp course is the only course you will need to learn web development professionally. There are many options for training developers online, but this course is undoubtedly the most comprehensive and effective on the market. One of the important features of this project period is being project-oriented as you build 13 applications over the course.

Features of The Web Developer Bootcamp

  • Translation between jQuery and vanillas JS
  • Write a personal browser-based game
  • Write web application with full authentication
  • Implement responder navigation on site
  • Create complex HTML forms with validation
  • Creating a web application using technology evils
  • Create a beautiful and responsive login page to launch
  • Use NodeJS to write server-side JavaScript
  • Use Bootstrap to create beautiful, responsive layers
  • Use common JS data structures such as arrays and objects
  • Writing javascript functions, understanding scopes and other and higher order functions
  • Create a static portfolio site with HTML and CSS and login pages
  • Write a real program with everything you learn in this course
  • Use JavaScript variables conditional statements, loops, functions, arrays, etc.
  • Create a blog app from scratch using Express, MongoDB and Semantic UI

Course Profile The Web Developer Bootcamp

  • Duration: 47:06:34
  • English language
  • Lessons: 398 lessons
  • Instructor: Colt Steele

The Web Developer Bootcamp course headings

Course content
394 lectures 47:04:01

Introduction to this Course
8 lectures 22:29

Introduction to Front End Development
6 lectures 27:26

Introduction to HTML
13 lectures 58:55

Intermediate HTML
13 lectures 01:12:29

Introduction to CSS
15 lectures 01:40:06

Intermediate CSS
16 lectures 01:26:06

16 lectures 02:00:18

Bootstrap 4!
11 lectures 01:16:28

Bootstrap 4: Flexbox and Layout
13 lectures 02:09:58

Introduction to JavaScript
12 lectures 56:21

Javascript Basics: Control Flow
18 lectures 01:21:38

Javascript Basics: Functions
11 lectures 01:00:14

Javascript Basics: Arrays
13 lectures 01:39:40

Javascript Basics: Objects
7 lectures 46:07

DOM Manipulation
13 lectures 01:16:05

Advanced DOM Manipulation
8 lectures 01:15:55

Color Game Project
10 lectures 01:47:57

Intro to jQuery
9 lectures 01:09:18

Advanced jQuery
5 lectures 34:31

Todo List Projects
12 lectures 01:16:07

OPTIONAL Project: Patatap Clone
9 lectures 01:11:04

Backend Basics
7 lectures 01:00:24

The Command Line
6 lectures 36:40

Node JS
9 lectures 58:25

Server Side Frameworks
7 lectures 01:12:47

Intermediate Express
6 lectures 01:14:04

Working With API’s
11 lectures 01:33:13

YelpCamp: Basics
6 lectures 57:40

7 lectures 54:31

YelpCamp: Data Persistence
4 lectures 41:43

RESTful Routing
12 lectures 01:56:32

Data Associations
5 lectures 38:34

YelpCamp: Comments
11 lectures 01:17:13

7 lectures 58:33

YelpCamp: Adding Authentication
5 lectures 40:13

YelpCamp: Cleaning Up
3 lectures 43:31

YelpCamp: Update and Destroy
10 lectures 01:25:10

YelpCamp: UI Improvements
10 lectures 01:19:59

Git and Github
4 lectures 52:18

8 lectures 01:11:13

JavaScript: The Tricky Stuff
18 lectures 01:02:42


The Web Developer Bootcamp

The Web Developer Bootcamp


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