How to Install and Activate BullGuard
How to install BullGuard on your device?
You can install all BullGuard products including BullGuard Antivirus, BullGuard Internet Security and BullGuard Premium Protection same way.
1. Click HERE to login to your account. Find the product on the main page and click on . Before installing it is safe disable all other security applications (mostly Antivirus or Firewall applications) for them not to interfere in the installation process.
2. Double-click on the file downloaded and click Yes to continue to installation.
3. Wait till the installer finishes downloading the files.
4. Accept the License Agreement and click Install.
5. If there is any previous antivirus software in your device it will ask you whether you want to uninstall these? Uninstalling all previous antivirus software is recommended.
6. Wait till it finishes the installation
7. You can log in to your account, if you do not have one you can create one as well.
8. You can skip this step.
9. BullGuard will update all the definitions.
10 . You are done.
How to Activate BullGuard Subscription?
You can activate all BullGuard products including BullGuard Antivirus, BullGuard Internet Security and BullGuard Premium Protection same way.
1. Click HERE and login to your account,
2. Enter the activation key to Activate Your License box, click Activate at the bottom of your main page. To get your activation code from Techlover Enterprises at a lower rate
Originally posted 2024-01-31 14:01:57.